
Change Management and the New Employee

Change Management and the New Employee

In the realm of Information Technology there is a process known as change management. From a theory standpoint (classroom environment) change management is a key priority when determining the initial standpoint of your network to determine the best course of action for future hardware & software decisions with the full intention of making the system more efficient. Unfortunately, change management is usually only a priority in organizations that are so large it’s impossible not to follow the process. 


Many things get in the way of a solid change management program, some of which include time and labor. Without the proper staffing and time to support change management an organization will find itself with many different operating systems, software, hardware, baselines, and security postures. Security is gone.


Information Technology and Information Security is currently going through a boom. Much like any other boom there is a lack of manpower, or competent manpower at least. New employees consistently pose risks to the information security standards an organization will have in place. There tends to be a lack of knowledge with new employees on current infrastructures and processes as well as the ever living statement, “We did it this way at my last job”. The fault doesn’t solely fall on the new employee though. Change management has usually thrived off Tribal Knowledge or the knowledge of the tenured employees, none of which has been documented efficiently. 


So, let’s get to my point here. While change management is a defined Information Technology process or procedure it can and should apply to everything a person does. Normal decision making goes through a tribal knowledge process in a person’s head. Now, I am not telling anyone they should have a defined and documented process for decision making but it may help. Has anyone reading every created a “pros and cons” table to list out all the pros and cons for a decision or has anyone ever used the compare functions of many websites to compare phones or cars? These two examples are a process documented versions of change management.


Change management extends outside of the thought process as well. If you want to run a marathon you train your body over time, with a specific course of action, to achieve the goal. Changing jobs or finding gainful employment may require additional skills, change management. 


The overarching goal for change management is to IMPROVE the “system”


Let’s take this a step further. Responding with action to a decision that you do not agree with requires change management to get your point across. Positive response with intention to improve a situation always furthers your position more than attacking. Many people were upset when Obama was elected and then again many people were upset when Trump was elected. In both scenarios, people attacked verbally and emotionally. The media didn’t help but I’m not getting into that right now. 


Proper change management works in many different scenarios but we have seemed to not apply this to politics. Due to this decision we have disparate systems, processes, and procedures. None of these systems communicate well and the processes and procedures differ almost completely. If two of your family members are fighting, and you hold a position of authority in your family, you will more than likely figure out the situation, respond with the best resolution and explain why. The very basic change management process are not followed at the highest levels. You will not find a single Fortune 500 company that doesn’t have a well defined and executed change management plan. 


The key is to understand that the government is funded by the people for the people. Being that the government is funded by the people means that the government is under the control of the people. Granted most people in the United States don’t have the time or ability to actively portray their thoughts with gargantuan government that exist in the United States. Your best bet is to vote and vote often. If you have paid attention to the Distraction Network for any length of time you know every contributor is heavily promotes voting in local and federal elections. Next time you look for candidates to vote for, maybe look for someone that operates in a defined process management strategy, professionally and personally. 


Ultimately, I want you to understand that change management is an important process for basically everything. Change will happen, what really matters is how we respond to the change, and change management is focused on making the system better, efficient, and reliable. The focus should always be on improving, not degrading. Regardless of the environment that surrounds us politically, personally, or commercially. 


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